Holy Cow! I feel overwhelmed just thinking about all the information I am about to lay on you blog readers out there…
Aiden turned three months on January 22nd . He is hitting all his milestones perfectly and I continue to be amazed at how he just knows things and all the stuff he is "supposed" to do...like, I didn't teach him to roll over, he just did, and...I didn't show him how to hold onto things but he does (especially my hair these days...haha,). He is kicking up a storm now, and grabbing for his feet. He stares at them intently until his body falls forward and he almost gets them in his mouth. Fun to watch. He also is on more of a regular napping schedule now, and boy I like schedules. One BAD development...he is SO teething already. I tried to live in denial at first but everyone has pointed it out. He drools like do other, rubs his gums with his hands, and chews on his pacy instead of sucking it. He also....BITES while nursing!!! AHHH, Luckily he has no teeth and I plan to start weaning him off soon. So, anyway, that was all happening over the last month. He is still developing more things daily...I'll write about more of his newest developments later.
I am still in shock about everything that has happened this past year! To think that last about time this year I was trying to figure out how to tell Zach and my parents I was pregnant. Crazy right?! I am so in love with my life! I love my son! I love my fiancé! And I love our little family! I am so happy that everything turned out as it did!
And the craziest thing is that our wedding is in 4 months!!! Yes 4 months! Ahhh! I am so not ready!! But I can NOT wait! :D