Friday, August 28, 2009

30 week Doctors Appt.

Alright now, the weight gain is getting a little ridiculous. I really don't think I am "supposed" to be putting on this much weight. I really do NOT make good, healthy eating choices anymore at ALL and I eat even when I'm not hungry. I need to do better I think, but it's so hard...

So, Tuesday we had another appointment with the doc. We got to see our baby boy again, I love seeing him, he's MINE all MINE! Grandma got to come see him live for the first time as well. The bigger babies get the less you can see all their movements on the ultrasound, because you can't look at there whole body at, we have to try to piece together what he is doing in there. He had the hiccups for the majority of the time, ultrasound tech said that is good because it proves his breathing functions work...who knew? Well, they do, cause he gets the hiccups ALL the time!

We're back to no sleep, I mean, none, tossing and turning and muscle pain and backaches. Oh, I know she is so worth it . My eyes is on the prize! :)


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

29 Weeks!!

Things are still going great and i am feeling good. i have some minor hot sweaty flashes but that's pretty much it. Zach and i started lamaze class and it is a lot of fun. it is definitely helping us prepare for baby Aiden's arrival. we also had our hospital tour a few days ago so we now know where to go when it's time. going to all these labor things made me realize that Zach has a huge responsibility on delivery day.....lots and lots of things to remember and do. i know he will be great but i am kind of glad all i have to do is breath and push :-) that's about it for now. we have a dr. appt on tuesday so if we find out anything worth sharing i will be sure to do so.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Not much has been happening around here so I don't really have anything to say so I'll updated soon.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Doctor Appointment

So I went to the doctors today and they said that the contractions I was having were prob. braxton Hicks contractions, which are not bad they are just preparing you for the real thing. Things that can trigger Braxton Hicks are:
  • when you or your baby is very active
  • heavy exertion or exercise, especially carrying things
  • sexual intercourse
  • dehydration

so he said that he didn't want to call it "bed rest" because I can do things just I have to watch how much I do at one time. And he said if I get more than 5 in one hour I should call him. But other than that baby Aiden and I are doing good.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Went to the hospital last night

Last night at about 11:30pm I started having some pain in my stomach off and on until about 12:30am. We were worried but when it stopped we thought we would just call the doctor in the morning. So we tried to go to sleep but at about 1:00am it started again so we called the hospital and they told me we should come in. We got to the hospital at 1:30 am and they hooked me up to everything and monitored me all night. I was having contractions but they stopped again at 3:45 am. They continued to monitor me until 8:00 am and then told me that they were going to put me on bed rest, so I am limited to activity they said it should be only about 5-6 hours of activity a day. I got discharged from the hospital around 8:45 am. Zach and I came home and got a little rest and we are soooo happy and thankful that baby Aiden is still inside of me and still healthy. I have to go to the doctor tom so i will update soon.
Right now I am going to get some more rest I am so emotionally drained I haven't cried that much since i found out i was pregnant.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Todays Doctor Appointment

Today Zach and I woke up early to go to our doctors appt. at 9. Everything is good, baby Aiden is growing big and healthy. He is now about 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long. I will have another doctors appt. around 31, 32 weeks we didn't set a day yet.

I'm 27 weeks today!! Yay! 3rd triamester here we come!! Only about 13 more weeks!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

We're Home

Hi guys we are home. We had an amazing time! I'm so excited for tom. we have a doctors appt. at 9:00 am so I will update after that.