Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Happy early Thanksgiving everyone! This year I have soooo much to be thankful for this year! I am thankful for my beautiful little family, my mom dad and sisters (and my new soon to be brother in-law! Congrats Natalie!) all my friends and family that have helpd me through the past 10 months, my health, Aidens health, Zachs health! My amazing house! And sooo much more!!

I also just relized that I didn't post pictures of us at the hospital or of Aidens profesional pictures! So here thay are!
ready stet go!
about to get baby Aiden out!

let's rock n roll!

Moments after I met Aiden.. Most amazing feeling of my life. Just balling from being SO HAPPY! ... yes I cropped all these pictures out no free show!

Perfect little angel we made!

Aiden and I both being cry babies.. we were SO happy!

Trying to look at the camera for a min.. I just couldn't keep my eyes off him or give her up yet!! AMAZING. I was so sick after delivery from labor!